Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Newsy Bits

There have been some Poetry Board changes and upgrades- you may want to reset some of your pointers:

Mike Durons Fiction and Poetry Critique Boards have changed and I love the difference. It's somewhat similar to the new Writers Block, using the phpbb service. www.mikeduron.com/boards/viewforum.php?f=2
Mike's board hosts a Poem Per Day forum (APAD) moderated by Arlene Ang. Great exercise - can you do it? Whether or not you stay on the wagon for 30 days, you'll certainly have a lot of poetry to work with by the end. This board requires registration.

BlueLine Poetry has moved to a different forum service, nicer, cleaner format - blueline.goobertree.com/forum/index.php. You'll need to register. BlueLine also has a Poem Per Day forum (Perfect Day for Poetry), moderated by Chris T. George.

The newest addition to the IPB Community, Chiaro-oscuro, has also upgraded their forum interface. I'm lovin that these forums are using white backgrounds. So much easier to read ... chiaro-oscuro.com/

The Critical Poet has upgraded! Still a huge site, the perfect place to start your poetic journey. www.criticalpoet.com/forum/

Inside the Writer's Studio poetry forum has moved to www.rachelmallino.org/InsideTheWriterStudio/

"New" boards - maybe they are new, or maybe I have just found them, but I'm adding these to the list:

Bag End Poetry Board

That's all for now!


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